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Rin Tin Tin


High Value: $800

Minimum Value: $10

Four Color #434 (1952)

Four Color #434 from 1952 is a one of a kind comic book. In this issue, you'll be introduced to exciting new characters and stories that will keep you hooked from beginning to end. From the inside front cover, you'll meet the unique protagonists of the story, and you'll be taken on a journey of suspense and drama. The comic also features "Dark Danger," which will have you at the edge of your seat. Additionally, you'll learn about how Rin Tin Tin got his name with fascinating facts in the inside back cover. And let's not forget the incredible Rin Tin Tin pin-up on the back cover that looks wonderful! If you have this comic book in your collection, we can provide you with a free appraisal and a fair price if you decide to sell your collection to us. Our team at Comics Into Cash has a reputation for being knowledgeable and trustworthy in the comic book business, so you can trust us with your precious collections. Contact us today to get started!

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