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Brer Rabbit


High Value: $1,400

Minimum Value: $16

Four Color #129 (1946)

Four Color #129 is a true gem in the world of comic books. This masterpiece, written by Chase Craig, tells the story of De Tar-baby, a character that has captured the hearts of many since 1946. As you flip through the pages, you'll be taken on a magical journey that includes Brer Terrapin's Tug-o'-war, Brer Fox an' de Stolen Goobers, Brer Rabbit Visits De Witch, and Brer Rabbits Laffin' Place.

If you are lucky enough to own this amazing comic book, we encourage you to contact us. At Comics Into Cash, we specialize in purchasing comic book collections from people who have inherited them or those who are simply looking to sell. We offer free appraisals and fair prices to ensure that our clients receive the best possible deal. Don't miss your chance to turn your comic book collection into cash. Contact Comics Into Cash today!

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